Linda came to town!!! yeah!! And I got 1st dibs on her. She got to spend Thursday & Friday night with us. We gave her up to Gina & Malcolm Saturday night. But while she was with us, Fred & I took her to breakfast Saturday at Cracker Barrel. Then, Linda & I met up with Becky & Lisa for lunch at Cheddars. Yum!!
Linda is not just my mentor, she's my therapist too. :) I sure have missed talking with her.
And it was so cool to get with Lisa & Becky, too. You know, there was a time when I had maybe one close friend. God has really blessed me with some wonderful ladies through the years, and I believe they have made me a better person.
We just finished our Crown class and it was a great group of folks! I had a great 10 weeks with them. Now, I am having small group withrawals. I told Fred we need to start a group again.
I have my 2nd gum surgery this Thursday. The way things have been going on at school, I am actually looking forward to it just so that I don't have to go to work, how sad am I?
Then it's Spring Break... I was talking to a teacher today and she said she was feeling drained too. So I said that spring break was put at the right time of the school year when we all need a break. ha ha
Steph is talking with a friend from school who lost her dad last week. She is trying to see how she/we can help out the family. They live in Bloomingdale. She doesn't think the mom goes to church anywhere, and she is feeling overwhelmed with all that has happened. I told Steph that Fred & I would be willing to go visit her and help in any way IF she would accept us. So Steph is being the middle man and trying to work that out.
I am not going to go into what Andy did this weekend. Let's just say it only took a week of having his license... aaarrrggg!!!!
And Freddy is doing good, not seeing much of him, but he's doing good.
Well, this has been a potpourri of a blog, hasn't it? I guess that's ok. I'm going to take a nap now. See ya!!