Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday: Will you be my Friend...

Even if I look like this:


Council Family said...

Only as long as he doesn't cut off my head and eat my brains!!! He looks just like Sylar from Heroes in this picture!!

Council Family said...

for you non heroes fans:http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/photos/#cat=1100&sec=2223&mea=50974

Laci Strickland said...

I miss Spirit Week. It always seemed to make a day that could've been boring, more fun. These pictures are great!!

Council Family said...

Here is the direct link that Anna was talking about....I see it:


The Nassars said...

Anna, I hadn't ever noticed that... yuk!

But... does he really eat brains? he told Claire that was disgusting...

Council Family said...

did you miss last night..I think he had a "buffet" at the bank hold up...i think he has a lot of respect or admiration or whatever for her for whatever bizarre reason...maybe because he is her UNCLE!!

The Nassars said...

no, I didn't really watch it... I did see he is 'another son' to the crazy lady... it's getting so that there are too many plots for me to keep up with... but what happened to Peter in the other body?

Kbear and Jman said...

he reminds me VERY much of my brother and the outfits he always wore, not just for spirit week.