Thursday, October 2, 2008

I quit

Sometimes, just sometimes, being a mom is a REAL drag ... :(


Council Family said...

I LOVE being a mom; it's being a referee, a chauffeur, a maid, a cook; and a launder-er that I DESPISE!!!

Dean and Mary said...

You know a day is coming when they will call you and say thank you mom for the discipline, the love, the time etc... They love you now, they just don't show it at times. But Val, I know you wouldn't trade one moment for a life without kids. They are your everything.
Keep your chin up Val, God sees what you do and he loves you for it.

Anonymous said...

it wasnt me this time :)

The 67 Mustang Convertible said...

your previous post say otherwise.

Kbear and Jman said...

Me too.